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Francês para Inglês Electrónica / Engenharia Electrotécnica Translation Glossary

Francês term Inglês translation
POUSSER-POUSSER VERT--->>>A EPUIS Green Push-On/Push-Off Pushbutton >>> sold out or exhausted
pouvoir de coupure renforcé en filiation increased cascading breaking capacity / increased breaking capacity when cascading.
Entered by: Tony M
pré-défonçage knock-out [in certain contexts e.g. electrical,. etc. --- a half-cut hole ready to be opened easily if/when required]
Entered by: Tony M
précontraint en compression compression spring
Prévoir une réserve de 30 % en jonction allow an extra 30% for bonding purposes
prehenseur clip
presectionnel core curriculum
pression plate pressure plate
Entered by: liz askew
pretensionneur tensioning device or tensionner
primaire/secondaire masse primary and earthed secondary
prise éclatée break-out box
prise d'alimentation power receptacle/outlet
prise de charge load connection
prise de nettoyage cleaner's socket
Entered by: Tony M
prise de quai platform socket
prise E/F type E/F CEE socket
Entered by: Tony M
prise secteur reliée à la terre earthed mains socket
prises de services utility outlets
prodif RCCB (Residual current circuit breaker) or GFCI (General Fault Circuit Interrupter)
profondeur storage capacity
prolongateur extension
protégé à nn A. [electrical circuits] protected to nn A OR with nn A protection
Entered by: Tony M
protéger (lame d'air / caténaire) protect (overhead line air gap)
protection amont upstream protective device
Entered by: Tony M
protection des enveloppes enclosure protection
Entered by: EirTranslations
protection diff�rentielle residual current device
Entered by: Tamara Salvio
protection PC protection / protective device for power sockets
Entered by: Tony M
pt centre VV [= point, va-et-vient] 2-way switched central (lighting) connection
Entered by: Tony M
PTR Poste de Transformation // Transformer Substation
puissance à l'appel pickup power
puissance brute input power
puissance coincidente coincident power
puissance ponctuelle occasional peaks
puits de terre / puits de foudre groung [AE] OR earth [BE] pit / lightning protection pit [most likely to be 2 separate!]
Entered by: Tony M
puits de tranquillisation damping pool/pond
pupitres [sort of free-standing console used in bank lobbies etc.] (abnk etc.) terminal; (in other meanings, sometimes: console)
Entered by: Tony M
Entered by: Alison Wray (Martin)
qualifoudre qualifoudre certification
Entered by: EirTranslations
Q_alarme Q_alarme
raccordé à la terre grounding or earthing
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