The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Francês para Inglês Electrónica / Engenharia Electrotécnica Translation Glossary

Francês term Inglês translation
plusieurs onduleurs en communication several intercommunicating inverters
Entered by: Tony M
poils blancs white hair
point courant simple boucle / double boucle simple/double loop intermediate position
point d’échantillonage sampling point
point de livraison delivery point
point de terminaison Point of interconnection
point dur "resistance in the controls"
pointages des contrôleurs security patrol checks
pointillés dotted (line)
points en mouvement (Access to) moving parts (must be forbidden)
pompes au double système de réservoirs dual reservoir pumps
pont à thyristors d'induit en 400V Armature thyristor bridge supplied at. 400V
portables et mobiles portable and handheld
portage (de fibre optique) (laying by) jetting
porté au potentiel brought to the same electrical potential as
portée d'étanchéité (valve) seat
porte fusible (à préhenseur) fuse-carrier (with handle)
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
Portes tôlées steel doors
portique de manutention des groupes gantry crane
Entered by: EirTranslations
position de rappel rest position
position d\'échappement position of release
position latente latent position
position momentanée momentary action/contact
poste gang
Poste au Sol Simplifié Simplified Substation
Poste à Couloir Corridor Substation
poste de livraison incoming substation [one of several possibilities, depending on context]
Entered by: Tony M
poste de travail power-data outlet
postes avions aircraft stands
postes d'éclairage-force transformer stations for lighting and power
Postes d’alimentation feeder stations
postes de redressements rectifier (sub)stations
Entered by: Mark Nathan
pot d'équilibrage compensation vessel
poteau d'ancrage anchor pole
poteaux d'innervation backbone (cabling) ducts/risers
potelet outdoor post light
poudrage (phosphor) powder / powder (coating)
Poulie de renvoi de l’attache de la force traction tensioner pulley
pour chaque départ for each outgoing feeder
Pour mesure For making measurements/for measurement purposes/for the purpose of measurement
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