The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Inglês para Francês Arte, Artes & Ofícios, Pintura Translation Glossary

Inglês term Francês translation
Tuscan gold Terre de Sienne naturelle
uncoated 80 lb. paper papier non couché 80lb
underwriting production ou assurance
unframed and unmatted prints impressions sans cadres et mates
Entered by: Michel A.
value pack lot à prix réduit
Variable prime focale variable
verso styled Le lot est de style verso et comprend 4 matrices
Entered by: Nathalie Coutelle
vertical of transcendence verticalité de la transcendance
Visual arts Arts visuels
wall hangings tentures
warmer chauffe-bougie
Water based painted brush handles hampes (manches) de pinceaux peintes à base d\'eau
water dish vasque / vasque fontaine
Entered by: Alexandre Tissot
Welcome Wing Hall d'Accueil
what is Scrapbooking all about ? Tout sur les albums-souvenir
Entered by: Aurélie DANIEL
Where in thunder... ? Où mille tonnerres/diantre se cache-t-il ?
Entered by: Nesrine Echroudi
white hairline rayures blanches/rayé(e) de blanc
wick tabs supports à mèches
Wide blue painter’s tape Large ruban adhésif de masquage bleu
wood grain revêtement veiné bois
wooden bead perle en bois
word painting mots en peinture
Entered by: Solen Fillatre
woven-in surface surface fibreuse
Yarn Bug bestioles en laine
Entered by: Carole Pinto
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