The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Indonésio para Inglês Geral / Conversação / Saudações / Cartas Translation Glossary

Indonésio term Inglês translation
setengah memaksa gently but firmly
siklus perputaran yang berulang recurring rotating cycle
simpang siur conflicting
Sirsak, 'Nangka Belanda' Soursop, \"Dutch Jackfruit\"
Entered by: Regi2006
SK Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Decree of the Head of the Provincial Education Board
Sptnya kamu enak diajak bicara. Looks like that you are an affable person.
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
suara dunia the world outcry
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
suara rakyat; suara kebenaran; suara kebenaran dari masyarakat the voice of the people; the voice of the truth; the true voice of the people
sudah dianggap dewasa atau berusia 17 tahun is considered to be adult or 17 years of age
Suka duka (the) ups and downs
Entered by: Regi2006
sungai yang bertanggul levee
SURAT IZIN PENGANGKUTAN JENAZAH, KERANGKA DAN ABU Transit permit for corpses, skeletons and ashes
Surat Keterangan Statement Letter
Entered by: Ahnan Alex
surat keterangan ahli waris Legal Heir Certificate
surat peringatan keras (written) stern warning
tak putus dirundung arbitrase never stop being beset by unrelenting arbitrations, attacked through arbitration, besieged by arbitration
tak terlepas dari was due in part to
taklimat awal pemeriksaan BPK RI initial briefing by the Supreme Audit Authority (BPK RI) on its audit of...
tampil dengan kemegahan karya ...very elegant
tanda tangan pelapor signature of informant
Entered by: Regi2006
tanda terima receipt
tangan ibu terlepas mother's hand slipped
tata tanaman planting requirements
Tatar Sunda Sundanese tradition
Entered by: Hikmat Gumilar
teknik pembuatan susu kacang/sabun bean milk processing/soap-making technique
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
teman makan nasi is eaten (on the side) with rice
Entered by: Regi2006
Tenteram ku rasa di pangkuanmu I feel serene in your lap
Entered by: Regi2006
terbantai di medan pertempuran slaughtered on the battlefield
terbuat dari tumbuhan kayu-kayuan come from woody plants
Entered by: Regi2006
terbujur kaku lies rigid
tercatat (be) found
teriris-iris painful
terkatrol to be boosted; to benefit
tersangkut IMPLICATED, incriminated, inculpated, embroiled, entangled, caught up, mixed up
terseretnya IMPLICATED, incriminated, inculpated, embroiled, entangled, caught up, mixed up
tidak berbalik memusuhi manusia will no longer pose a threat
tidak bisa kelaut do not go out to the seas / do not go out fishing
Entered by: Regi2006
Tidak lulus SD Did not complete Primary School
tiga kain panjang winding sheet
Tim Syuro Consultative Council
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