The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Alemão para Inglês Desporto / Fitness / Lazer Translation Glossary

Alemão term Inglês translation
Kopfsponsor headgear sponsor
kranen craning
Kranzschwinger Winner of the Swiss wrestling crown
Kreisturntage community sports days
Kreuzball crossball
Entered by: Kathy Saranpa
Kronenspitze tip
Entered by: Susan Madden
Kurve (end) stand
Kurvenwechsel turns
Entered by: Douglas Arnott
Kurz hinter der Weiche just behind the loop (of the belay device)
Kutschenfahrbrevet (German) carriage driving licence
Entered by: Karen Zaragoza
Lamellenstopfen ribbed plug
Landesausbilder regional trainer
Landeskommission für Pferdeleistungsprüfungen State equestrian competition, training and breeding regulatory board
Landesleistungsstützppunkt training centre
Landesleistungszentrum training centre
landschaftliche Roughs natutral rough
Entered by: Neil Crockford
Lawineneinsatz avalanche rescue mission
Entered by: Yuu Andou
Ländervergleich international match/tournament
Längsfugen longitudinal joints
läuft schwebend ab runs smoothly/goes like a dream
Entered by: Helen Shiner
Legangel ledgering; ledger-lining
Leistenprobleme groin strain/injury
Leistungsklasse Performance rating
lichter Breite inside width
Liftbetreiber Ski-lift operator
Linksvolte turn to the left; (full) left turn
Lizenzspielbetrieb professional league operations
Loesungsphase loosening phase
Logenbande box seat banner
Longierplatz lungeing circle / arena
Looping-Rad spacebike
Lungenautomat/Regler Regulator
Mannschaftsgedanke team spirit / camaraderie
Materialerfahrung tactile sensations
Materialwart kit/equipment manager
Entered by: Steffen Walter
mega really cool
Mehrmaster oder Opti multi-masted yacht or dinghy
mit Liften und Pisten erschlossen with lifts and runs of varying difficulty and quality
mit Weile-Vorsprung (zeigte der Wallach den Gegnern seine Hufeisen) 10 lengths win
mitfiebern root for
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