The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Alemão para Inglês Medicina: Saúde Translation Glossary

Alemão term Inglês translation
Belegsystem hospital-affiliated midwifery practice
Belegungstag occupancy day
Bereitschaft (here) 24 hours on-call
Berufsausübungsgemeinschaften [professional] cooperative
Entered by: Teresa Reinhardt
berufsgenossenschaftliche Heilbehandlung treatment covered by workers\' compensation
Berufsgesetz occupational licensing regulations
berufsrechtliche Bedenken concerns with regard to the law governing the profession
Entered by: Beate Lutzebaeck
Besonderheit der Einstellung auf She was both flexible and sensitive in her approach/attitude towards.....
Bestattungspflichtiger party responsible for the burial of the deceased
Besuchsplannung planning detail visits (to prescribing providers)
Beteiligung involving
Beteiligung involvement/involving
Betreuung guardian/legal guardian/conservatorship
Betreuungsbedarf für ältere Menschen care requirements for the elderly
Betreuungsdienst home care and support [service]
Betreuungssache matter of guardianship
Entered by: Sonja Poeltl
betriebsbereit /eingesetzt werden soll operational and ready for use
Betriebskrankenkasse company health insurance
Bettendruck lack of beds
bettenfuehrend departments with inpatients such as Internal Medicine, Surgery
Bettenhaus ward building, ward block
bettenlastig strong focus on inpatient care
Entered by: Dr. Andrew Hudson
Bettenversorgungsschiene wall mounted supply unit
Bettfahrrad pedal exerciser
Bettstiftung donations for hospital beds
beurteilungsfähiger Dauerzustand definitive/conclusive assessment of the (clinical) condition/status
Bewertungsrelation / Kostengewicht cost weight (CW)
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Bewusstsein-Atmung-Kreislauf (BAK) consciousness, breathing, circulation / ABCs
Beziehungsmedizin relationship-centered medicine
Bezugspflegeperson (Patient) care coordinator
BG-Sekr.; Gutachten BG-office
BGM Kennzahlen Occupational Health Management Key performance indicators
Entered by: Stephen Old
bibliographische Literaturrecherche bibliographic search
biometrische Begründung biometrical basis for the sample size
bis einmal alle once every...
Entered by: Dr. Johanna Schmitt
Blasensprung Amniorrhexis
Blutauflagerungen auf dem Stuhl h(a)emorrhagic stool / f[a]eces // bloodstained stools // blood in stool
Entered by: Steffen Walter
blutige Entlassung revolving door syndrome/revolving door of early discharge
Braune brown bottle
Braunverlauf brown gradient (lens)
Entered by: Bettina Grieser Johns
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