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Alemão para Inglês Medicina: Saúde Translation Glossary

Alemão term Inglês translation
Betreuung und Pflege attendance/support and [medical or nursing] care
eingetruebt clouded
Hohlraueme cavities
Kalkulationskrankenhaus benchmark hospital
lt. Bad Mergenthelm laut Bad Mergentheim - according to Bad Mergentheim
Rd 1 70%, hochprox CX 70% heart catheterization: Ramus diagonalis 70%, high proxi(mal stenosis of the) ramus circumflexus 70%
v. S. of predicted
Entered by: Sonja Poeltl
'planwidrige Regelungslücke' legal gap/loophole contrary to plan
(Kranken)haus der Zentralversorgung full level care hospital
Entered by: Steffen Walter
(negativer) Preisstruktureffekt (negative) price structure effect
(Neuzuweisung) UZEPS i.H. new referral UZePS (University Center for Prevention and Sports Medicine)
1 bis 2 Uhr between 1 and 2 o'clock
ab ano above the anus
Abgabehinweise dispensing guidelines
abgerechnet/erstattet reimbursed
abgeschlossenes humanmedizinisches Studium medical degree / degree in medicine
Abpraeparation removal
Abrechnungsausschluss excluded/exclusion of fee schedule item(s)\\
Entered by: Emily Plank
absetzbare Projektkosten deductible project costs
Entered by: Marc Svetov
Abstopfen block / blocking
Abszessspaltung abscess incision
Abtropfmetastasen drop metastases
Entered by: Jonathan Whiteley
accredited Children's Mental Health Centre Akkreditiertes Zentrum für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie
Entered by: Evert DELOOF-SYS
adaptiert adjusted to
Entered by: Emilia De Paola
Adipositas obesity, adiposis, adiposity
Entered by: Steffen Walter
Aeste branch
Aetas advanced maternal age
Entered by: Sonja Poeltl
Aftn. = Auftragsnummer order no.
Entered by: Steffen Walter
AH = Arzthelfer doctor's assistant, physician's assistant
AK Antikörper / antibodies
Akademischer Rat lecturer
Aknefug it's a trademark (not translated)
Aktivitätsansammlung activity enrichment
akut-stationäres hospital treatment for acute cases
Akutmedizin acute care medicine
Allgemeine Augenheilkunde und Poliklinik General Ophthalmology and Polyclinic
allseits sicher satisfactory throughout
als versorgungsrelevant eingestuft class(ifi)ed [categorised] as critical supply items [critical supplies]
Entered by: Steffen Walter
alt Landarzt former rural doctor
Alten- und Krankenpflege geriatric and nursing care
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