The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Francês para Inglês TI (Tecnologias de Informação) Translation Glossary

Francês term Inglês translation
envoyer les destinataires sur un formulaire hébergé route recipients to a hosted form
EOTP WBS element (or item)
EPI Interactive Learning Spaces (Espaces Pédagogiques Interactifs)
Equipe d'Accueil Host research team
espion MAC-layer monitoring
est pilote will be responsible for
Entered by: EirTranslations
et opérés managed
Entered by: EirTranslations
Etat écritures status or state of entries
Etats cumulés aggregated statements
Exécution de gestes techniques Technical interventions
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
exercice availability period / time slot
Entered by: Neil Rear
exposer to present
expression des hypothèses de fonctionnement. assessment of working hypothesis
expressions littérales et non-littérales d'idées et de concepts literal and non-literal expressions of ideas and concepts
externaliser (des sauvegardes) store them remotely
extracteurs, testeurs card puller, test program
extraction extract
Façade Facade
Factoriser le travail effectué factorize the work completed
Entered by: Michael Kowalewski
facultatif/optionnel facultative/optional
faire (encore) défaut (still) be lacking
faire intervenir une astreinte d'exploitation getting an on-call operations person involved on-site
faire les coupes make the cuts (A/V editing)
Faire un DS Discontinue (DS command)
faisant office (which is) used as / employed as
fédérateurs CISCO Cisco 6509 switch
fenêtre interstitielle interstitial page
Feuilletoire numérique digital page flip gallery
fiabilisation des documentations making documentation more reliable
fibre support fibre connection
fiche d'écart deviation report / nonconformance report
fiche d'entrée en certification certification listing/entry
Entered by: Gwynneth Kably
fiche modèle corporate fact sheet
fiches de cadrage de certification certification registration form
Entered by: Gwynneth Kably
Fiches usages Quick start guides
Fichier d'environnement environment file
fichier de confrontation billing mensuel monthly billing reconciliation file
filière informatique information technology (or software) thread
finesse de gravure (de x nanomètres) x-nanometer (fabrication) process
flashage (postal) barcode scanning
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