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Chinês para Inglês Poesia e Literatura Translation Glossary

Chinês term Inglês translation
越描越黑 add insult to injury
趋于理解,共鸣再造 turn to understanding with consensus, leading to co-creation
點化 enlighten
Entered by: Xu Dongjun
龜兒子 bastard
进入最佳演出状态 be in/on top form
阴鸷沉猛 Calculating and cold-blooded
赀后 见下
開闊的全球文化觀 an open-minded, syncretic view of global cultures
開拓萬古 matchless through eternity
闯荡江湖 to seek one's fortune (or) make one's way in the world
葉公 Shè Gōng i.e. the Duke of Shè
葛朗台 Grandet
slight chubby/a plump shape
铁青着脸 stern-looking
脸皮被带动着才笑起来 after the face gets carried away, the smile shows up.
脸皮所作出来的表情 the expressions made by the face
释放雅致风情 试译全句:show forth hard-working enthusiasm and release graceful amorous feelings
自反而缩 but if I reflect on myself and find myself to be right
自学成才 become a self-taught talent
致广大而尽精微 seeking to carry it out to its breadth and greatness, so as to omit none of the more exquisite and minute points which it embraces
釘鞋踏水爛泥 like a muddy ground after stamping with a pair of spikes
腹儉 Lack of Knowledge
艾思及先生述 Described by Mister (Giulio) Aleni
苦若能甘意思是世间猿 Ruo-ku-neng-gan, sounding like "Turning Bitterness into Sweetness", means an "Ape among People"
老堂璜 Old Don Juan
老老实实 without making any trouble
逼真 vivid
而 is a particle (in grammar). There is no meaning to it.
陷害邻人 against your neighbor
for lack of business acumen 因为没有生意头脑
getting cultured 受教
have taken them as models to create innovative 以之为典范来创造新颖的作品
It's the thought that counts. 心态影响做为
るㄢ刮蛾 Rejoined in full are both the family and the moon.
Mingbaak. Waste-money-merchandise. 明白, 蝕本貨
Modernity is essentially the product of classical thought. 现代性其实就是古典思维的产物
Often heard expression hoodwink; bamboozle; bluff
the people who call the shots 那些发号施令的人
took a step back and considered 回过头来忖度
what we understand to be the standard language 大家普遍接受的标准用语
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