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Chinês para Inglês Poesia e Literatura Translation Glossary

Chinês term Inglês translation
"相煎何太急!" Why torture me by hellish means?
a more deliberate and thoughtful endeavor 更有自觉、更为谨慎
a sentence Because the love is a lifetime course/task that we parents are to learn/take.
an adequate external stimulus 外来刺激够强烈的话
历史类学术讲演 lectures on history
半吊子 dabbler
博雅 profundity and refinement
十年一剑 百炼成钢 Ten Years for A Great Sword; Hundred Strokes for Harden Steel.
千金之子不死于市 A convict from a wealthy family should never be executed in public and thus disgrace the family.
卖梳子给和尚 sell the comb to Buddhist monk
另起炉灶 to make a fresh start elsewhere
Entered by: albertdeng
后译转精 the later work turns out to be a refinement
吃软饭 a man who lives off a woman / a man who lives off women
吆五喝六 Calling the shots
Entered by: Rita Pang
多子多福 人多力量大 The more sons the more bleesings. There is power in numbers.
大家闺秀/小家碧玉 a graceful girl of noble birth /a charming girl of humble birth
大麻阳鸟蓬船 Mayang big black covered boat
天涯共此时 The moment is echoed far and apart
Entered by: jyuan_us
好酒不怕巷子深 Good wine needs no bush
如果你不时时学习, 那就等着接受无知而被淘汰 Learn or Perish!
嫣然盛开 gorgeously full blossoming
子底子硬 being confident in oneself and remaining tough
学得越多,懂得越少。 The more you dabble in, the less you grasp
官业 official business
Entered by: Ivan Niu
对过去和未来的思考 Reflections on the Past and the Future
少年不识爱滋味 Having no clue what love felt like when I was young
尔雅 Er Ya
川娃子 kid(s) from the province Sichuan
与人类不同的典雅 grace and refinement different from those of human beings.
不可避免地趋向于毁灭 inevitably moves toward destruction
不如意事 things do not go as you would like them to
不见兔子不撒鹰 Don't loosen your falcon until you see the hare.
不染烟火气 unworldly
两面手法 double-dealing
Entered by: Shirley Lao
中華文化智慧系列 Wisdom of Chinese Culture Series
一对对联 antithetical couplet
一米阳光 A drop of sunsine
一闻战鼓意气生,犹能为国平燕赵 My courage arises while the drums of war beat. Charged I go, to Yan and Zhao's defeat.
也没有特别到哪里去 There isn't anything really special about it, though.
乞丐主义 Beggarism
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