The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Chinês para Inglês História Translation Glossary

Chinês term Inglês translation
"卅l湅大刀" 30-layer fold-forged broadsword
"天下苦其役而反之" tormented by his tyranny, they rebelled against his regime
130 小卡车/轻型货车 130 Light Truck
<<行路难>> The Hard Road
厚重寡言 A decent and solid man of few words
司礼监随堂太监 FYI
君子独立不惭于影,独寝不愧于魂 A righteous man is never ashamed to face his shadow when standing alone and to face his soul when sleeping alone
Entered by: Gary Key
天下财富之委输焉 most of the nation's wealth is gathered here
子善自为之 = 你好自为之you'd better behave yourself
封天祭地 the ceremony of worshipping the heaven and offering sacrifices to the earth
巡撫 provincial governor
帪惌婰 Chronicles of Political Affairs
常平仓 Price-regulating granary
为贤者讳、为亲者讳 For those who are virtuous&wise, and for those close to us, we shall not mention their shortcomings
三代而后 Since the Three Dynasties (Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasties)
令旗 command flag or lingqi
Entered by: Boyuan Zeng
以众衅亲离之残局 Lose Friends & Alienate People
仰仪 The Projection Semi-sphere
开元通宝 Tang-dynasty coin
徽寗 Huizhou & Ningguo (徽州、宁国)
徽严 Huizhou & Yanzhou (徽州、严州)
らセぱ肚参瓣ǎ the Ritual of Gazing Upon the Land
克列茨基 Koretsky
团结异已 to unite dissidents
《陈州粜米》 Selling rice at Chenzhou
皇宫礼仪 royal ceremony
灌钢冶炼 perfusing steel
社会局、市商会、市党部 Bureau of Social Affairs, City Chamber of Commerce, City Bureau/ Municipal Headquarter of XX Party .
神库 Holy Storehouse (Shen Ku)/ Spirit Storehouse
福船 Fujian ship
窃司令 I, the Commanding Officer, ...
竊"符"救趙 tally
炒钢冶炼 'stir smelting' or 'puddling'
草泥土 earth mixed with straw
非武力无以立国 No armed forces, no country
青石山壁 bluestone cliff
行三拜九叩的大礼 perform the great kowtow ritual
领民 resident/inhabitant
西、荷、清 Spain, Netherland, and Qing Dynasty
西湖 West Lake
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