Translation Glossaries from the Web
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HSE Glossary
Petroleum Development Oman |
"In its journey to be considered as a centre of excellence, the well-established translation team, with many years of experience and with many publications to its credit, has taken up this formidable task of compiling the accumulated English terms related to HSE and translating them into Arabic producing the industry’s first HSE glossary in Oman an... View more
Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary Credits
Mark Ramsey, Texas Drilling Associates |
The Oilfield Glossary
Shlumberger company |
Definitions for major oilfield activities reviewed by technical experts with high-quality, full-color photographs and illustrations clarifying many definitions
English language Glossary from the website of the International Continental Scientific Drilling Program with good explanation of terms
A bilingual glossary about oil industry and drilling
PDF document - Spanish-English glossary of terms.
TOTFinder oil related glossary
Ernesto Veras - TOTFinder Web Page |
A two-way glossary including gas-, oil-, pipeline-, offshore, and refinery-related terms.
Glossary of Foundation Terms
American Piledriving Equipment |
Need to know what a Doodle hole is? Well, neither did I, but I found it anyway. Full of construction, drilling, foundation terms. Concise definitions.
An excellent comprehensive source for oil industry terms in English--Although geared to the oil industry, I also found it very useful for geological and other terms in a coal mine study. "Welcome to the Oilfield Glossary The Schlumberger Oilfield Glossary provides definitions and illustrations of oilfield terminology for the technical generalis... View more
Quite a number of useful terms and definitions