Translation Glossaries from the Web
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The 'Wine Dictionary' was compiled from: Winecraft The Encyclopaedia of Wines & Spirits Example: Abboccato Italian for sweet or medium sweet when applied to wines. The same to all intents as moelleux (qv), it is mostly applied to the wines of Orvieto, which are usually classified as seco (dry) or abboccato.
Animation Art Glossary
There is a list of terms commonly encountered in discussion of vintage animation cels and drawings. You can click on the pictures to see examples and to get more information.
Wine Dictionary
Vintage Direct (Originally compiled by - T.A. Layton) |
The 'Wine Dictionary' was reproduced from "Winecraft - The Encyclopaedia of Wines & Spirits" which was originally compiled by - T.A. Layton. The book dates back to the turn of last century and although some information is obsolete, the work nevertheless contains many curious entries which are no longer included in contemporary reference works.
Wine Glossary
Tenuta Coppadoro |
Three monolingual (DE, EN, IT) glossaries on wine ... View more
Vintage car top materials
The Haartz Corporation |
There are many terms listed here in addition to specialized ones previously mentioned (in italic type). Besides technical terms, trade names are listed where the name signified a certain type of top material, as was often the case. Where the production time period for certain trade names is known, that has been furnished.