Browse links of Meios de Comunicação / Multimédia glossaries
Discover or contribute links to translation glossaries about and Meios de Comunicação / Multimédia terms.
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Sehr umfangreiches Glossar mit vielen Querverweisen, leider nicht ganz ohne Werbung.
Glossario di terminologia fotografica
Associazione italiana biblioteche |
Italian only glossary of photographic terms, with clear explanations. Many terms from history of photography. Also contains links to 2 English sources used as basis for this glossary
Glossario terminologia fiction televisiva - Television Fiction Terminology Glossary
OFI - Osservatorio sulla Fiction Italiana |
Il glossario comprende un’ampia selezione di termini relativi alla fiction televisiva, pertinenti a differenti aree (formati, narrazione, produzione, offerta). Le definizioni, soprattutto per quel che riguarda le strutture formali e produttive della fiction, hanno carattere storico-esemplificativo. Il glossario è un work in progress, nuove voci ve... View more
Begriffe und Abkuerzungen Video
Torsten Jaekel |
Video terminology, especially helpful on abbreviations
Technical glossary
SONY Ukraine |
Technical terms in telecoms and information technology
Glossary-of-terms Collection of Glossaries
Garth Marples, Matt Jacks & Lori Wilkerson |
A collection of glossaries compiled about a range of topics, from body piercing to the new technologies and insurance.