Browse links of Linguística glossaries
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Translation of English idioms into Spanish. Traducción de modismos del inglés al español.
This is a good place to refer for English to Nepali terms.
Faeroian-Danish dictionary/ F�r�sk-Dansk Ordbog
Kurt Madsen and Faeroian council |
The danish Faeroe islands have a language of their own. This dictionary boasts 2200 words.
Danish prefixes, suffixes and spelling
Icelandic English dictionary
Utanr�kisr��uneyti� |
An important dictionary
Forskningsrådets norsk-engelsk - engelsk-norsk ordbok
Norges forskningsr�d |
Norwegian/English terminology dictionary and database
Просмотр по темам или поиск (окошко в левом верхнем углу). Алфавитный перечень -- на
Календарь народных примет, обычаев и поверий на Руси.
Алфавитный список и поиск. Тематический доступ --
Орфографический словарь русского языка. Полезность сомнительна -- неправильно набранные слова не находятся, а если я знаю, как пишется слово, то зачем мне орфографический словарь? Интерфейс может сбить с толку. То, что это именно этот словарь, видно только по заголовку. Введите слово в окошко "поиск по слову" (слева вверху) и нажмите "Поиск". Поис... View more
Here is a very helpful page with idiomatic expressions from days gone by in the United States and their current equivalents.
skandinavisk orbok
Nordisk Skolenet |
3000 words in Danish, Norwegian and Swedish.
A Danish Japanese dictionary
a bidirectional ENG<>BUL dictionary
Bidirectional English<->Bulgarian online dictionary
Portugués - Español Dicionario Bilingue
AdaNet Mitoloji |
Turkish monolingual source on Greek mythology; consist of 2 sections, one with summaries of mythological stories, the other a genealogy of deities with links to relevant stories. Useful source for transliteration problems in this field, as well.
Banque de depannage linguistique
Gouvernement du Quebec |
Tres bien fait, facile a naviguer. Aussi des modeles de factures, de lettres.
le principal de ce qu'il faut savoir sur la reforme de l'orthographe de 1990.
English-Croatian & Croatian-English Dictionary
Goran Igaly's EH Dictionary |
The official interface to EH Dictionary (the biggest and constantly growing EN<>HR dictionary available in readable plain text file, edited by Goran Igaly). Advanced search capabilities and dictionary download in plain text format. Links to several standalone programs that use EH Dictionary database are also available.
The most comprehensive English-Swahili and Swahili-English dictionary. You can search, browse and download it.
A glossary of typical Argentine terms. With humor, in this site non-argentines can learn the subtle differences between other Latin American or Spanish terms, and the language used by Argentines. Very useful when translating from Argentine Spanish, and also for other Spanish speaking people to know what Argentine Spanish is all about. It includes a... View more
Incomplete Romanian monolingual dictionary
Farsi Dictionary |
Perhaps it can be helpful Please note: In order to increase the performance of the website, we have set the default Farsi font to "Windows Arabic". This font loads from Windows machines instead of from the website and it is really fast. Unix and Mac users need to change Farsi Font to Black or Plain in the area above in order to see correct words.
Good dictionary!
An online English<>Tagalog dictionary with proverbs and idioms included. More wider in scope than any other online Tagalog dictionary I've encountered so far. ;-) Joseph Milanes Rosace�a "You're in good hands and tongue!"
Can be helpful by translating from catalan into spanish
English - Bulgarian Dictionary |
English - Bulgarian Dictionary
Trésors de la langue française
[email protected], ATILF, C.N.R.S. |
Le plus volumineux dictionnaire de français jamais créé. Foisonne d'exemples.
Hier finden sich viele Informationen über die reformierte Rechtschreibung. Man kann sich u.a. mithilfe eines Crashkurses in 30 Schritten mit den wichtigsten neuen Schreibregeln vertraut machen und auch einen interaktiven Rechtschreibtest mit automatischer Korrektur machen.
Small dictionary with detailed items. Helpful in translating and understanding general nexts, even with idiomatic expressions.
Quite a comprehensive general dictionary
Declinazioni e coniugazioni Parole composte Accenti Fonetica e etimologia
Finnish Russian Large Universal dictionary |
Could be used for translational purposes. Umlauts should be replaced
Several searching possibilities in one page (search a term in thesaurus, encyclopedia, dictionary, bilingual dictionary or technical terms dictionary)
this is a French dictionary providing you with french words definitions and is linked to the French Académie Nationale, as such all words not included ARE NOT FRENCH which is important as many translators (esp. Canadians) tends to anglicise the French language.
dicionário monolíngue de termos usados no NE do Brasil, estado do Ceará.