Browse links of Ciência (geral) glossaries
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Энциклопедический словарь медицинских терминов (гл. ред. Б. В. Петровский, 1984–1989), М.: Советская энциклопедия. Систематизированное научно-справочное издание, ок. 60 000 медицинских терминов с этимологическими корнями. Справочные приложения: «Анатомические термины» «Артерии», «Вены», «Кости», «Лимфатические узлы», «Мышцы», «Нервы и другие образо... View more
Russian to English Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Glossary / Русско-английский толковый словарь биотехнологических и генноинженерных терминов, with appr. 450 terms in the fields of Microbiology, Biochemistry, Immunogenetics, Genetic Engineering, Bioscience, with extensive explanations in Russian. Based on Fundamentals of Genetic Engineering ... View more
Арабско-русский словарь. Баранов Х. К. Более 42 000 словарных статей, несколько тысяч иллюстративных примеров.: под ред. В. А. Костина. – Москва.: Издатель Валерий Костин, 2007 г. – 944 с.
Consult Chambers 21st Century Dictionary, The Chambers Thesaurus (1996) or Chambers Biographical Dictionary (1997 edition with amendments).
Финско-русский словарь
Пользователи |
Финско-русский онлайн словарь. Более 50 000 терминов (в обоих направлениях). Сайт пополняеттся пользователями.
Русско-финский словарь
Пользователи |
Русско-финский онлайн словарь. Более 50 000 терминов (в обоих направлениях). Сайт пополняеттся пользователями.
Русско-курдский онлайн словарь
Курдоев К. К. |
Оцифрован на основе этой книги - Курдоев К.К. Курдско-русский словарь: около 34000 слов. - М.: Государственное Издательство Иностранных и Национальных Словарей, 1960. - 890 с. В настоящий словарь включена лексика, отражающая важные стороны жизни курдов, т. е. лексика бытовая, сельскохозяйственная и лексика современного литературного языка и прес... View more
Курдско-русский онлайн словарь
Курдоев К. К. |
Оцифрован на основе этой книги - Курдоев К.К. Курдско-русский словарь: около 34000 слов. - М.: Государственное Издательство Иностранных и Национальных Словарей, 1960. - 890 с. В настоящий словарь включена лексика, отражающая важные стороны жизни курдов, т. е. лексика бытовая, сельскохозяйственная и лексика современного литературного языка и прес... View more
مجمع اللغة العربية بالقاهرة
Academy of the Arabic language |
Academy of the Arabic language is the Egyptian official institute. It offers several online dictionaries covering specific fields. The site offers also a dictionary for Quoranic terminologies
Názvy, pojmy, jména, definice, zkratky
English glossary of terms used in Microfluidics
Glossary of medical terms associated with this condition
Nanotechnology Terms
Institute of Nanotechnology |
EN: Searchable, alphabeticised glossary of terms and definitions used in Nanotechnology
A searchable glossary of terms used in Nanotechnology (English)
Haematology and Blood Disorders
Methodist Hospital System |
A searchable A - Z glossary of English terms and definitions associated with the diagnosis and treatment of most blood and haemopoietic cell disorders
Abkürzungen im Emissionshandel
avantTime Consulting GmbH, Tübingen | http://www.verbraucher-initiative.k...
Auch der Emissionshandel kommt nicht ohne Abkürzungen aus. Finden Sie hier die Begriffe, die sich dahinter verbergen.
Biology Glossary |
This editable Wiki Dictionary provides explanations for thousands of terms with links to relevant tutorials: contains hand picked articles in Agriculture, Astrobiology, Biochemistry, Bioengineering, Biophysics, Medicine and many other topics, and includes World's largest and most comprehensive biology discussion board, made up of sections on Cell B... View more
قاموس البحث العلمي
د. مصطفى زايد |
A 1999 edition of English<>Arabic Dictionary of Scientific Research, by Dr. Mustafa Zayed. Published in Cairo. Appendixes contain the Dewey Classification System, Greek and Latin alphabets, international measuring units, etc.
Welcome to the Eyenetwatch Biometrics Glossary, this tool is aimed at keeping you up-to-date on the latest terms and technology in the Biometric Industry. It is regularly updated and we welcome input from users, manufacturers and the public on biometric terms they feel would be useful for others.
Downloadable doc. Names of chemical compounds and foodstuffs used in industrial production processes. Nombres de compuestos químicos y alimentos empleados en procesos industriales.
Diccionario médico-biológico (histórico y etimológico) de helenismos
Francisco Cortés Gabaudan (Coordinador) - Universidad de Salamanca |
Se trata de un diccionario dedicado especialmente a los helenismos médicos y biológicos y los estudia desde un punto de vista histórico y etimológico. No pretende, en su actual fase de elaboración, recoger sistemáticamente todos los helenismos de la medicina o biología pero acumula ya un número muy significativo de ellos (más de 4.800 acepciones), ... View more
Glosario de nutrición, salud y bienestar. ¿Tiene dudas respecto al significado de alguna palabra relacionada con el tema de Nutrición, Salud y Bienestar? Este glosario glosario incluye parte de la terminología habitual que en esta área se utiliza con frecuencia.
Invertebrados Marinos incluídos en el diccionario seri
Lenguas de las Américas ( |
Nombres de algunos invertebrados comunes por clase y familia y su equivalente en español, seri e inglés. Contenido parcial del: Mary B. Moser y Stephen A. Marlett (compiladores). (2005) Comcáac quih yaza quih hant ihíip hac. Diccionario seri-español-inglés. Mexico City y Hermosillo: Plaza y Valdés Editores y Universidad de Sonora. (Artista: Cath... View more
zzz Outra zzz
zzz Outra zzz
Ozone Depletion Glossary
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
Glossary of terms and acronyms about ozone depletion.
Clean Energy - Glossary
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
This glossary provides definitions of a number of important terms associated with power generation technologies and their environmental impacts, including definitions of specific pollutants, technologies, and the key terms related to the electric power marketplace.
Glossary of Climate Change Terms
U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) |
Climate change related terms and links.
Karolinska Institutets MeSH resource
Karolinska Institutet/U.S. National Library of Medicine |
The MeSH® (Medical Subject Headings) is the controlled vocabulary thesaurus of the NLM (U.S. National Library of Medicine). NLM is the creator, maintainer, and provider of the data. The present resource is based on the year 2007 MeSH. The original data from NLM have been supplemented with Swedish translations made by staff at the Karolinska I... View more
dictionnaire scientifique en français
Fachwörterbuch Technik
FIZ Karlsruhe |
Deutsch Englisches Wörterbuch mit Begriffen aus Bauwesen, Bergbau, Biologie, Chemie, Elektrotechnik, Energiewirtschaft, Erdgas, Geothermie, Kerntechnik Kfz-Technik, Kraftwerkstechnik, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Mathematik, Medizin, Physik, Recht, Solartechnik Strömungstechnik, Technik, Umwelt, Verfahrenstechnik, Verkehr, Werkstoffe, Wirtschaft
Ocean Adventure
ThinkQuest Library |
A few terms related to the ocean. The ThinkQuest Library provides innovative learning resources for students of all ages on a wide range of educational topics. Featuring over 6,000 websites, the library is created by students from around the world as part of the competition.
Mexicanlaws S.A. de C.V. |
Mexicanlaws S.A. de C.V. is a Mexican corporation that provides English translations of current Mexican legislation. Translations are organized using the basic structure of oversight and enforcement under Mexican laws. The online ENG>SPA chemical dictionary offers more than 10,000 entries.
Copyrights TamilR 2005 |
A list of words are given in alphabetical order. Upon clicking, the source word is immediately translated into 3 languages.
Danish-English Maritime Glossary
Kort & Matrikelstyrelsen |
Symbols, abbreviations and terms used on charts
Symboler, forfortelser og begreber i danske søkort
Downloadable PDF file searchable in both directions. Enriched with charts and other graphic material.
Glossaire de la génétique
Institut national de la recherche pédagogique |
La transgenèse Définitions des principaux termes en français
Glossaire intéressant et très varié en secteurs (scientifique, flore, faune, médecine, ...) Termes et définitions en français.
WMO List of Abbreviations and Acronyms
World Meteorological Organization |
The present list is being distributed to facilitate the search for the meaning and, where possible, equivalents in the other WMO working languages of abbreviations and acronyms found in WMO documents.
Over 400 pages of English terms in alphabetical order, with French Arabic, Russian and Spanish translations.
Downloadable PDF file... View more
Glossar Hydrologie
Universität Hannover | http://morwin.bauinf.uni-hannover.d...
Dieses einsprachige Glossar enhält Terminologie aus dem Bereich der Hydrologie.
Biotechnologie-Glossar |
Wer Hilfe beim Verständnis von Fachbegriffen aus der Biotechnologie und angrenzenden Forschungsfeldern braucht, der wird in unserem Glossar schnell fündig. Hier sind über 200 Begriffe von A bis Z leicht verständlich in einer Kurzbeschreibung erklärt.
Marine Science Glossary
Orion / Hellenic Centre for Marine Research - Greece |
The ORION glossary stores scientifically credited terms and definitions for over 1200 marine environmental and pollution terms.
The NASA Thesaurus contains the authorized subject terms by which the documents in the NASA Aeronautics and Space Database are indexed and retrieved. The scope of this controlled vocabulary includes not only aerospace engineering, but all supporting areas of engineering and physics, the natural space sciences (astronomy, astrophysics, and planetary... View more