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Italiano para Inglês Astronomia & Espaço Translation Glossary

Italiano term Inglês translation
arrivo del nido arrival of the Pleiades
astrolabio astrolabe
ben poco attraente not particularly poetical/unpoetic sounding
elioplanetografo orrery
impressionare (in context) expose
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
impulsi di radiazione luminosa nella lunghezza d’onda delle microonde electromagnetic radiation pulses in the microwave wavelength
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
modulo di interscambio connecting (bridge/linking) module
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
oggetto esteso extended object
planatesimi planetesimals
posizione "defilata" hidden from direct view
punti d'arresto standstills
raccogliendone il riflesso della superficie della Terra receiving/gathering its reflection from the Earth's surface/from the surface of the Earth
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
septem orbes planetarum leave as is; do not translate
sfera celeste celestial sphere
si dispone quasi orizzontalmente contrapposta almost directly opposite in the night sky
siderale sidereal
sigilli astrologici astrological seals/symbols
Entered by: Maria Emanuela Congia
solarimedie mean solar (hours/days)
tiraggio back-focus
volte celeste celestial vault
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