The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Indonésio para Inglês Matemática e Estatística Translation Glossary

Indonésio term Inglês translation
bangun ruang sisi datar polyhedron
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
Bidang Iris Bangun Ruang dan Bidang Datar Planar cross-sections of Geometric solids
Derajad Suku Banyak dan Pembagian Suku Banyak Degree of Polynomials and Division of Polynomials
jari-jari radius
Kombinatorik Combinatorics
Nilai Awal Initial Value
ruas kanan right-hand side
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
ruas kiri left-hand side
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
selisih difference (refers to the difference between two figures)
Syarat Batas boundary condition
tanda fungsi kendala the sign of the constraint function
Entered by: ErichEko ⟹⭐
Teorema Sisa remainder theorem
X2 hitung (X pangkat 2 hitung) the calculated X2
Entered by: Wiyanto Suroso
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