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Alemão para Inglês Zoologia Translation Glossary

Alemão term Inglês translation
abimpfungen inoculation/ subculture
absetzen to take off (a diet or substance)
adspektorisch externally / visually
aufgerufen am accessed on
Entered by: Barbara L Pavlik
ausgelagert to position
Entered by: Erich Friese
Auslagerungstermin date test sample was placed on location (on site)
Entered by: Erich Friese
Ausprägungsrichtung specific / characteristic tendency
Aussetzaquarium community tank
Balzplatz (courtship) display areas
Bürstenschwanzrattenkänguruh brush-tailed rat kangaroo
Entered by: David Tracey, PhD
begeisselt flagellated
Belgisches Bartkaninchen Belgian beard rabbit
Blindwühlen Caecilians / blind worms
Buckelfisch humpback fish
Damwildgehege fallow deer enclosure
Entered by: Manuela Junghans
Der Wallach zeigte eine mittelgradige Stützbeinlähmung The gelding exhibited moderate paralysis of its hind leg
Diterpenantibiotikum diterpene antibiotic
Entered by: Steffen Walter
durch dessen seitliche Lamellen abseihen strain through its side plates
Echse lizard , saurian
Eiablagestelle egg-laying site
entsprechend to take account of (in this context)
Erlebniszoo wild animal park
Erpellocken drake curls
etwas erhöhte Plätze slightly raised places
Fangkrallen claws or talons for catching prey
Fährten ziehen to leave (their) tracks
Federling bird louse
Flughaut patagium or flying membrane
Freigehege preserve
futterfest weaned
Gamskitz chamois kid
Entered by: Helen Shiner
Gebrauchshund working dog
Gitterweite mesh size
Großraubtier large predator
Grundferche lake trout / brown trout
Entered by: Edith Kelly
Haarling biting louse, order mallophaga
Halbschalenmodell cutaway model
Haube hood, crest, cap
Hemielytre hemielytron
hospitalistisches Verhalten stereotypy / stereotypic [institutionalised] behaviour
Entered by: Steffen Walter
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