The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Alemão para Inglês Gado/ Pecuária Translation Glossary

Alemão term Inglês translation
auf Zug the leash is always taut
Sturzinfusion rapid infusion
Abgangsursache reason for termination
Abschleppen der Weide harrowing/dragging pastures
abschlucken ingest
Abseilgeschirr lift harness
Abstammungsnachweis pedigree (also see comments)
Allgemeine Infektions- und Seuchenlehre general infectiology and epidemiology
anfüttern gradually increase (amount of feed)
artgerecht gehalten raised humanely
Aufnahme des Massenspektrums recording of the mass spectrum
Aufzüchter (von Pferden) here: raised by
Auslage antler spread
ausschoren shovel out
Befleckung cow spots
beim Einstallen in den Maststall transfer to the finishing/fattening barn
Entered by: Elisabeth Moser
Beiritt schooling (of horse)
Bestand an Niederwild small game population
Betriebstierarzt in-house veterinarian
Entered by: Rolf Keiser
Bewegungsstall (für Pferde) loose housing
Bodenarbeit am langen Zügel Groundwork: Long Reins
Bolzenschussapparat captive bolt (humane) stunner
Brandwasser serum fluid
Brut bereits mehrfach gelungen several successful breeding attempts
bunte und rosa Hausschwein white and spotted domestic pigs
Chicoréegrünmehl chicory green meal
Circoproblematik circovirus problem
Daumenkrallen dew claws
dünnbreiiger Kot thin semifluid feces
Deckanzeiger raddle
Defektzucht mutant breeding
Desinfektionsschleuse disinfection station / facility / point / barrier
dicht anliegende Haare dense coat
Differenzierung der Leukozytenpopulationen differentiation of leukocyte populations
diffizile Typausprägung problematic features in type
Doppelküken twin chicks
doppelte Wartezeit/Aufzeichnungen doubled waiting period/record keeping
Duplo, Duploakte duplicate (case) file
Durchlüfter Aerators / Aeration pumps
Durchtreibe-Klauenstand walk-through claw treatment crush
Entered by: Emily Plank
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