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Holandês para Inglês Medicina: Saúde Translation Glossary

Holandês term Inglês translation
"Door mijn ziekte *zit ik soms niet lekker in mijn vel*". "My illness *really gets me down* at times."
'kleine hersensteel' --> steel v/d kleine hersenen --> pedunculus cerebelli cerebellar peduncle
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
'verzorgend wassen' No-rinse washing/bathing
(het) plofhok depository for environmental pollutants, depository for dangerous substances
aanbodkanaal supply channel
Entered by: Antoinette Verburg
aandachtvelder continence specialist nurse (uk)
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
aanvalscoupering abortive migraine medication
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
achterbankpatiënt "back-seat patients" / patients taking a back seat / passive patients (tech)
achterwacht on-call staff
adenomateuze schildklier adenomatous thyroid gland
algoritmen toegepast worden die de beslissingen laten variëren algorithms can be used which will allow decisions to vary
APO algemeen periodiek onderzoek (general periodic examination)
Assistent thoraco-pulmonale chirurgie thoraco(-)pulmonary surgery assistant
Entered by: Evert DELOOF-SYS
B-wonen assisted living
b.i. blijvende invaliditeit
BE BE / Base Excess
beflapje dental dam
behandelverbod prohibition of treatment; advance refusal of treatment
Entered by: Michael Beijer
bejaardenverzorger geriatric aide
beleidsontwikkeling ten aanzien van cannabis in het buitenland the development of cannabis policies in other countries
beoordeling conform no diagnostic disagreement
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
beroepsbeoefenaar health care professional
betalingstitel payment title
bewegingsagogie movement therapy
Entered by: Michael Beijer
bezigheidsbegeleiding occupational support
Entered by: Michael Beijer
bidboek bid book
Entered by: Luuk Arens
bij het effect dat u wenst te sorteren the effect you wish to achieve
bloedbestemmingsformulier blood safety form
bruine pleisters wound dressings/plasters
Cave: vingerafdruk Beware of potential loss of fingerprints (in this particular context only)
Entered by: Textpertise
co/d tablet/day
conform antihypertensiva are consistent with ... antihypertensive drug treatment
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
D.K.T.P. difterie, kinkhoest, tetanus en polio
De cliënt centraal Client-centered practice
deze informatie aan elkaar getoetst [...] geënt op zaken als... this information is cross-checked [....] applied to
doorbloeding blood flow/blood circulation
DTA definition
EMV score 8 GCS 8
Europees gezien compared with the rest of Europe, compared with other European countries
Entered by: Antoinette Verburg
FG FG (Focus Group)
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
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