The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Holandês para Inglês Construção Civil/ Engenharia Civil Translation Glossary

Holandês term Inglês translation
getuide stayed
opslag van 6% van de gefactureerde bouwtermijnen 6% of the invoiced milestone payments
tabletmeubelen 2 kitchen (units with) countertops
"hang en sluitwerk" ironmongery
Entered by: DianeGM
"japanners" wheel barrow
1 bedskamer gesluisd single-bed room with sluice
3de GSGV (informatieve verordening inzake machinelawaai) third statute of machine safety act
Entered by: Henk Peelen
4-wandige stegdoppelplaten four-layered acrylic sheets
a.s.p. pantry en keuken in kantine terminal/connection point/connecting point ...
aan- en afhaakproblematiek participation and non-participation issue (or problem)
aangepaste raamprofilering naar de oorspronkelijke ensembles custom window mouldings based on the original ensembles/units
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
aangestort filled
aangrenzende hoger opgaande gevels adjoining walls rising above this level
Entered by: Barend van Zadelhoff
aanhelen add/join to form a whole
aanschrijfniveau a (building\'s) condition requiring (it) to be marked for repair
aansnijden van woongebied. (further) development or site preparation of the residential area
aansturen manage
Entered by: Lianne van de Ven
aard- en nagelvast; aard en nagelvast permanently fixed; permanently attached
Entered by: Michael Beijer
abreviation: KB CP/cathodic protection
achter de hand opvoegen jointing
afbouwbedrijf finishing company
Entered by: Rik Schraag
afbouwgarantie completion guarantee
Afdruipremmer drip inhibitor
afgevlinderd power floated
afgewerkte kantoren turnkey offices
afmessen/egaliseren to level off / skim off
afpers- en doorspoelverklaringen pressure test and rinsing certification
afsluitgat opening
afstemmingsoverleg project coordination meeting
afstemverliezen losses due to poor coordination (management)
Entered by: Michael Beijer
afstotingsverschijnsel plaster coming loose (cracking and peeling)
afwerkbedrijf finishing contractor
afwerkingslistel listel
Entered by: Michael Beijer
Algemene akte deed of conveyance/sale
aluker binnenbekleding Aluker lining
aluminium dagkant aluminium reveal (trim)
anti-worteldoek anti-rooting membrane/mat
antimetrisch antimetric (loading)
applicatiematerialen adhesives
Entered by: Michael Beijer
armatuur fitting
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