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Chinês para Inglês Turismo & Viagens Translation Glossary

Chinês term Inglês translation
史鉴上载 As the historical books recorded,
双钟 two hours
Entered by: albertdeng
坐卧 Sit and lie down
大柏树工贸中心 Dabaishu Industrial Trade Center
好评 Recommended
Entered by: Thomas McConochie
好自为之 look out for yourself
宝盖 (umbrella-like) canopy
小巴招手即停 wave-and-stop minibus
Entered by: Julia Zou
尿硷 urine scale
山谷寻游探险游 Valley Adventure
峡湾街 Fjällgatan
上海五角场商业中心 Shanghai Wujiaochang Business Center
上海八万人体育馆 Shanghai Stadium
上海长途客运南站 Shanghai Long Distance Bus Station (South)
不当之处求教于大方之家 Kindly favor me with advice of wisdom and expertise, should there be something amiss.
中级饭店职业经理人 Middle Manager
中餐分点厨师长 Executive Chef of the Chinese branch.
Entered by: albertdeng
临刘永 an Eunuch named Liu Yong Cheng
主备降机场 primary alternate airport
世间百态 panorama
一路见四季,十里不同天 Four seasons in one ride; A different weather a few miles out.
Entered by: Fang Sheng
享受杉林芬多精 Enjoy the greenshower (phytoncidere) of the cedar wood/forest.
人文景观 cultural landscape
以形写神,重在写神,形神兼备 expressing the spirit through form, emphasizing the expression of the spirit, giving ample consideration to both form and spirit
保洁设施 sanitation facility/supply
Entered by: gabriella gentile
圆光 halo disc
僧舍 monastery living quarters
冲锋衣裤,抓绒衣裤 Charge Wear, Fleece Wear
Entered by: Fang Sheng
商务考察团 Business delegation
免费专车机场接送 Door-to-door free airport shuttle service by luxury sedan
共同識別系統 joint identification system
因其担子高 (famed) for it's high and big (wooden) boxes carried on a shoulder pole
倒淌河 Backstream River
器物 Gadgets
玻璃琼浆在轻轻荡漾 is like a sheet of liquified glass, rippling gently
灵塔 stupa-tomb
珂德尔 Kodel Group
砖砌花栏宇墙 brickwork parapet with an ornamental railing
第九届全国运动会指定接待单位 The official appointing reception unit for The 9th National Sport Competition
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