The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Chinês para Inglês Medicina (geral) Translation Glossary

Chinês term Inglês translation
孕期糖尿病 gestational diabetes
Entered by: albertdeng
过氧化脂 lipid peroxide
Entered by: albertdeng
主动脉瓣轻度狭窄 mild aortic (valvular) stenosis
Entered by: albertdeng
主型 primarily consisting of smooth muscle cells
Entered by: albertdeng
五官科 Department of Otolaryngology
Entered by: albertdeng
被子弹打穿 shot through
肺經的郄穴 Acupoint Xi in the lung meridian
流出 spill out/gust out
放射性分布均匀 a substantially uniform radial distribution
Entered by: albertdeng
压根部位 root of a tooth
针头 needle head
(右甲状腺)送检穿刺的固定液经离心见少量灰褐色沉淀 punctured (right thyroid) sample in fixative solution displays small amount of sediment in gray-brown color upon
(脑)中线结构 (cerebral) midline structures
...病在上... \\ ...病在下... diseases in the superior region / inferior region of the body
097年03月01日 1 March 2008
111影像学表现 111 diagnostic performance
Entered by: albertdeng
13棱 13 slices
Entered by: albertdeng
24小時尿蛋白定量 24-hr urine protein
4.5号针头 #4.5 needle
4/5 椎间盘镜下摘除,椎管减压术 endoscopic or endoscopy-assisted L4-L5 discectomy and spinal canal decompression
Entered by: albertdeng
49型玻璃纤维滤膜/片/纸 49 glass fiber filter
4C 胚胎 four-cell embryo
5倍量的丙酮 5 times as much acetone (as ...)
98元气心活 (98-item) vitality and cardiac activity examination
AC anterior chamber
办尾牙 Year-End Dinner
加权象高信号影 high signal on T2-weighted imaging
Entered by: albertdeng
动-门瘘 artery- portal vein fistula
动脉期 arterial phase
Entered by: albertdeng
劳保药品 labor insurance medicine
力尔肽 Thymopentin for injection
Entered by: albertdeng
avL室水平 horizontal depression
基底节区出血 basal ganglia hemorrhage
Entered by: albertdeng
基底段可见磨玻璃影 ground-glass shadow was seen in the basal segment
基因活化 gene activation
基础窦状卵泡总数 basal antral follicle count (bAFC) or antral follicle count (AFC)
基础看诊 the first visit
原型药物 unchanged metabolite
原发性 Primary
原始心管搏动 primitive heart tube pulses / primitive heart tube pulsation
Entered by: albertdeng
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