The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

Chinês para Inglês Direito: Contrato(s) Translation Glossary

Chinês term Inglês translation
(发明专利申请)公开说明书 Pregrant publication (of invention patent applications)
A过审理缺需适用B国法律 the trial is conducted in country A whereas the laws of country B shall apply.
办理著作权使用权的续约事宜 handle the contract renewal arrrangements for the right to use the work.
加工承揽合同 processing contract
執行單位 Clinical Research Team
Entered by: Thomas McConochie
原件有效 Only the original (version/document) is valid.
原则指导性文件 document outlining guiding principles
原告/被告 plaintiff & defendant
停产品 obsolete/discontinued products
印花各自貼銷 each party shall affix it own stamps for evidentiary purposes
即日 effective date
反本合同行为 behaviour /actions which breach the contract
取得最有利的权利地位 obtain the most advantageous rights position
受任人 entrustee
受制于 subject to
受约束方 the party to be bound
受雇于 hired
Entered by: Vladyslav Golovaty
吊装期 unloading period
合同办案手续 enter the contract in the records
合议庭 collegiate bench
增扩设备 Addition and/or upgrade of equipment
复本和副本、正本和原件 FYI
处分 disposal or settling of the goods
处理决定 disposition decision
如数补交 pay the delinquent amount in full
委托人/受托人 trustor/trustee
Entered by: albertdeng
始交租金日 first rent payment date
实体权利义务由买方享有并承担 the buyer enjoys and assumes substantive rights and obligations
实行风险代理收费 Practice contingency fee
导 照 in compliance with/based on
封闭期限 Lock-up period
Entered by: albertdeng
届满 expire
业务职能部门 Functional Department
不可抗拒之因素 force majeure (factor)
不得参标之规定 Regulations on Prohibition to Bid
不得部份或以铺位转租给他人 [tenant] may not sub-let any portion [of the room] to others or sublet such portion as a stall
中开口钢桶 closed steel drum with medium-sized top opening (larger than 70mm in diameter)
中化化工标准化研究所 Zhonghua chemical industry institute of stantardization
中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会 China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission
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